A&S Blog

Arts and Sciences Blog

The Southron Gaard Arts and Science blog is a place to collate and display the A&S works of our populace. Here you will find pictorial and written articles of people’s entries to competitions, latest projects, research notes, trials (and errors!), musings, ponderings, and accomplishments across all forms of Art and Science.

When we say all forms of A&S, we mean all forms of A&S! Woodworking, sewing, metalworking, cooking, dancing, music, jewellery-making, leatherworking, weaving, heraldry, scribal work, research of all kinds – if it’s an Art or Science, it has a place in this blog. No article too big or too small, no topic too broad or too niche, we’d love to see them all, and all can send them in.

If you would like to contribute a post, please contact the A&S Officer, who will upload it on your behalf.

Latest Post

  • EEEEC: Challenge Wrap Up

    EEEEC: Challenge Wrap Up

    Following on from our previous Arts and Sciences challenge, the Persona Gubbins Challenge, where we explored projects to enhance our persona, the Ladies of Amberherthe, with the gracious support of Their Excellencies, Grim and Alexandra, Baron and Baroness of Southron Gaard, and Lady Adelsea Gladwyne, then Southron Gaard Arts and Sciences Officer, having been inspired by our own post-Faire to-do list, but more especially by the enthusiasm and excitement of many newcomers as they thought upon what they had beheld and experienced at Faire last year, and planned for this year, devised the Event Embellishment, Elaboration, and Edification Challenge and invited the populace to make or practice arts and sciences with a focus on use at events.

    Some statistics about the EEEE Challenge entries

    • Number of individual entrants:                                     14
    • Number of entries:                                                        47
    • Largest number of entries from one individual:          6
    • Most popular categories (in this order):                       Collaboration, Preparation, Inspiration, Personification
    • Most popular types of entry (in this order):                Clothing, and Food

    Each entrant has earned a token to commemorate their efforts in meeting this challenge. The token is a wooden game board (with Hare and Hounds on one side, and either Terni Lapilli or 3 Men’s Morris on the other), six game tokens, a die, and a booklet that explains the rules for all three games.

    Thank you to everyone who joined us in accepting this challenge to develop skills and items to enhance our experiences at SCA events.

    A special mention is due to the members of Gildenwick, who embraced this challenge and furnished many inspiring entries across a swathe of categories.

    We hope you will enjoy playing these games at events, and that this challenge inspired you to try something new!

    In service to Arts, Sciences, and better events
    Baroness Christian Baier
    Baronessa Isabel María del Aguila
    The Honourable Lady Joana de Bairros